41°08’24’’ latitudineNord 16°50’49’’longitudineEst


site specific Installation
San Cataldo's Lighthouse - Bari, Italy
| Materials |sounds, monitoring, mixer, radio antenna, video projectors,
documents, nautical maps, photos, videos.



One installation to cross, 370 steps, 62,6 meters tall, the Lighthouse of San Cataldo.
41 ° 08’24” North latitude // 16 ° 50’49” East longitude.

The sound fills the spiral staircase, fragments of a shared experience
takes the form of sound material, stories, text, moving images, postcards, nautical maps of a journey.
The sound of the sea comes from Lighthouse's crevices,
the sound material ills the air,
to return to the sea.



The survey was developed in three different chapter: the sea and the work related to the maritime dimension, seen through the eyes of the fishermen who survived the economic and legislative changes; the transmission of memory assigned to the songs and folk tales; and of course the architecture.

The artist has therefore worked within a large field, building a network of relationships with / between fishermen, architects, musicians, and local researchers, placing herself as a bridge between spheres of life and work.

Claire Bosi tried to overcome the inaccessibility of the places as well as memory, subverting the combination of subject / object and opening channels of relationship between research and popular knowledge, transcending the popular song as a collective experience.

An archeology of personal memory that becomes collective through the constitution of the research. emerging to life through the process of reactivation of this memory shared with 41 ° 08’24” North latitude // 16 ° 50’49” East longitude.

Anna Santomauro - Curator -  Vessel Art Project


| view of the installation, San Cataldo's lighthouse, Bari, Italy |


| view of the installation, San Cataldo's lighthouse, Bari, Italy |


| view of the installation, San Cataldo's lighthouse, Bari, Italy |


| view of the installation, San Cataldo's lighthouse, Bari, Italy |


| still from the video |


| still from the video |
